Category: Gym

Precor Smith Machine

New equipment: PRECOR™ Smith Machine

Smith Machine Uniquely engineered Smith Bar provides a light starting weight combined with a large weight capacity and an exceptionally smooth, natural feel, all while reducing high-wear components Give it a try at Anaplasis Gym!

nautilus evo biceps curl

New equipment: Nautilus EVO™ BICEPS CURL

YOU HAVE TO FEEL IT TO BELIEVE IT Nautilus Evo® equipment adapts itself to the way the body moves instead of forcing users to adapt to the machine. Our four-bar linkage system and cam have been designed to dynamically mirror the body’s strength curve. Nautilus users get immediate, smooth resistance and proper muscle loading through the […]

Nautilus Leg Curl

New equipment: Nautilus IMPACT® LEG CURL

Proven. Smart. Effective. The Impact® Strength line brings many subtle innovations to the power of your next weight training workout. It is the evolution of the proven biomechanics and user features that have made the strength line a solid, competitive product. This line retains all the unique, proven, individual design features that customers have stated […]

Precor DPL0624 Squat Machine

New equipment: PRECOR squat machine.

New addition in Gym Equipment! SQUAT Machine – PRECOR Discovery™ Series The unique pivot system and open, intuitive squat exercise positioning of the Discovery™ Series Plate Loaded Squat Machine most closely mimics the muscular demands and user stabilisation of a barbell squat, while providing the control needed to master the squat movement.       […]

Precor DPL0624 Squat Machine

New Precor Squat Machine

New addition in Gym Equipment soon! PRECOR™ DPL0624 Squat Machine will be join our gym equipment soon. These machine is perfect for your leg workout routine. We saw it, we tried it, we’ll bring it!